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The importance of SAP analysis

September 18, 2018 Published by laurae
Category: Agriculture

The importance of SAP analysis

A unique service offered by OMEX. What is SAP analysis? SAP analysis offers a highly accurate and topical assessment of the true nutritional status of the plant. Whereas conventional tissue testing reports the level of nutrients in a sample, including those locked up and unavailable for growth in cell walls and storage cells,  SAP analysis measures only the actual level of crop nutrients available for plant growth. The OMEX laboratories specialise in the extraction, analysis and interpretation of sap samples taken from growing plants. Individual interpretation of each sample result is carried out by a team of qualified agronomists, allowing recommendations to be made for the active nutritional management of the crop. The full SAP system begins with an initial complete soil analysis, base fertiliser recommendation and up to 5 full spectrum SAP tests at programmed intervals during the growing season. Alternatively, one-off health checks can be provided on a wide range of crops, with a rapid turnaround of results. The recommendations are emailed or faxed within 2-3 days of receipt of the samples, making it an excellent management tool for the grower. Why should you use SAP analysis? SAP analysis provides the grower with data on what nutrition the plant requires and identifies any issues that plant may be having. How to sample SAP sampling is a simple process, contact your Technical Sales Manager here for a 'SAP Pack' What next? OMEX offer a bespoke total crop nutrition package, based upon the results from your SAP analysis. Bespoke water soluble feeds  or standard O-Mix blends can also be offered on the back of these recommendations. Your techinical sales manager will review the plants needs and recommend the correct package. Popular products include Bio 20 and Bio 18 as general plant health boosters and for use on hardy crops with iron deficiencies.