How SuperMn corrects Manganese deficiencies, and supports your plant health and growth.
Cool, wet or sodden conditions during early spring can limit the growth of soft fruit crops, which is typically caused by poor photosynthetic activity and a lack of manganese (Mn). Symptoms of deficiency are pale chlorotic leaves causing irregular patches of growth throughout the crop. Manganese plays a major role in photosynthesis, enzyme activation and improving tolerance to plant stresses.
Figure 1: Manganese deficiency symptoms are typically, pale leaves with green veins.
Mn deficiency can be corrected with OMEX Super Mn which contains high concentrations of manganese, magnesium, sulphur along with nitrate nitrogen. This combination of rapidly acting nitrate and slower release sulphate gives a faster uptake of manganese resulting in a much more rapid correction of deficiency than conventional products and a longer-lasting effect overall.
For further information regarding the range of OMEX products used within Horticultural crops, then please contact your local OMEX advisor.