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Stress Busting Tips

April 16, 2019 Published by laurae
Stress busting tips Category: Agriculture
Stress Busting Tips
Weather & Crops A benign March and first half of April has meant spring drilling and planting continues at pace into generally very good seedbeds. However, winter crops, particularly in the east of the country are short of moisture and have not enjoyed the cold east winds of the last week or so. This week is forecast to be warm and dry. Next week is expected to be more unsettled with the possibility of rain - but it is far from certain. The current BBC forecast for May states: "There are signals for some warm or very warm spells into mid-May with temperatures generally above average thanks to the sunnier skies and light winds Dry weather may persist for a significant amount of time in May, so rainfall will likely be below or even well below average" - BBC Weather. Consequently, there is a risk of winter crops suffering drought stress over the coming weeks. Mitigating the Impact of stress In simple terms, drought stress is the symptom exhibited when a crop cannot uptake sufficient water and nutrients through normal respiratory process. The impact of stress can be reduced by foliar feeding nutrients that the crop is unable to uptake through its roots. In Field Advice Fields should be assessed before any application to check there is active growth. The best time to apply is mid-late afternoon so long as there is no risk of frost.   Bio 20 - The Default Product The default product in abiotic stress situations is Bio 20. The biostimulant in Bio 20 is Kelpak, a product with an enviable reputation worldwide for stimulating new root growth and reducing the symptoms of stress. The product has a justifiably excellent reputation and once customers have used it, they keep coming back for more   Foliar Nutrition Recommendations - Cereals  Bio 20 @ 2l/ha - will provide a multi-nutrient feed combined with kelp biostimulant, which will keep the crop going until conditions improve. Repeat after 10-14 days if required. Foliar Nutrition Recommendations - Newly Emerged Spring Crops   Kelpak @ 2l/ha is very kind to the crop and will stimulate new root growth. Use on newly emerged crops, recently transplanted brassicas or crops with poor root development. Speak to your local District Sales Manager for advice on best practice and information on OMEX products.