In this article OMEX’s head of R&D, David Booty, discusses seedbed nitrogen to boost beet crops.
BBRO Update - Nutritional Guidance
In their latest update BBRO (British Beet Research Organisation) have reported that the risk of aphid-carried Virus Yellows in sugar beet in 2024 is HIGH. This is primarily because a lack of frosts throughout the winter has allowed higher than usual population survival. As beet are more resistant to the virus from the 12 leaf stage onwards, rapid crop establishment is crucial to reduce damage potential. In the Beet Agronomists Update, BBRO commented “we want the crop to get away quickly so make sure there is enough nitrogen in the seedbed for rapid growth and ensure foliar sprays of Manganese and Magnesium are applied as early as possible” Evidence both from BBRO and OMEX trials show that placed NP starter fertiliser, Multiflo can speed up establishment.Multiflo for Beet crops – off to a flowing start
Multiflo NP grades offer beet growers a great opportunity to enable rapid crop establishment. In a year where disease stress is high, it’s important the plant establishes quickly and is able to build a strong root structure, giving it the best chance going forward. Multiflo is a liquid solution that contains the entire analysis in each droplet. It encompasses all the benefits that liquid fertilisers have to offer for supplying seedbed nitrogen to boost beet crops.- Improved accuracy
- 100% soluble P
- Instant uptake by the crop
- No plastic bag wastage or disposal
- Single person application
- Improved crop response
- Uniform liquid application