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Speciality Foliar Nutrition Range

Micromex is a balanced formulation of micronutrients, magnesium and sulphur. It’s been designed to be utilised as a general foliar feed and can be added to formulations of major nutrients or agrochmicals.

  • Reduces The Risk Of Yield Loss From Lack Of Micronutrients
  • Provides A Balances Dose Of Nutrition
  • Promotes Plant Yield
  • Remedies Nutrient Deficiency
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balanced formulation of micronutrients, magnesium and sulphur.

Micromex Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Brassicas, lettuce and leafy salads From transplanting to maturity 1-1.5 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary at 10-15 day intervals. Use the higher rate of 1.5 L/ha if the crop canopy is dense
Cereals From early tillering to 1st node 1 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary at flag leaf emergence
Legumes As soon as there is sufficient leaf area 0.75 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary after 10 days
Onions As soon as there is sufficient leaf area 0.75 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary at 10-15 day intervals
Potatoes After crop meets along the rows 1 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary at 15 day intervals
Protected Edibles From start of flowering 1 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary at 10-15 day intervals
Hardy Nursery Stock/Protected Ornamentals As required 1 1 Apply when deficiency is suspected or diagnosed, repeat after 10-14 days
Soft fruit After establishment 1 Apply up to 3 applications at 30 day intervals