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Organic Range

Kelpomex is a kelp concentrate for use in organic crops which is manufactured using a unique cell-burst process without heat, chemical digestion or dehydration.Kelpomex is cleared for use on organic crops

  • Enhances root growth
  • Improves pollen germination
  • Improves Pollen Tube Growth
  • Improves Fruit Set
  • Improved Crop Establishment
  • Organic Approved
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is part of the organic range and contains a kelp concentrate.

Kelpomex Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Cereals 2-5 leaf stage (GS 12-15) 1.5 – 2 Increases tillering, root growth, protects against stress An optional 2nd application may be made 3-6 weeks later
Milling Wheat Grain Milky Ripe (GS 75) 1 Apply with Protein Plus to improve Hagberg Falling Number and protein
Oilseed Rape, Legumes As soon as spring growth is evident 2.5 Promotes root growth, protects against stress
Potatoes During planting to promote tuber numbers 4 Apply with placed liquid fertiliser or use as an in-furrow applicator
Sugar Beet 4-8 true leaves 3 Promotes root growth, protects against stress, improves overall yield. May have a beneficial effect on sugar content
Vegetables 4 true leaves 2 to 3 Repeat applications 14-21 days later to stimulate growth and improve shelf life. Maximum dose per crop is 6 L/ha
Modules 1-2 weeks after transplant
Grassland Early Spring 2 Promotes vigorous spring growth, reduces die-back in late summer, aids recovery after grazing/cutting, helps establishment of new leys Repeat mid summer or at re-tillering
Horticultural Modules and Seeling Trays As a root dip 10 Dip or wet module/seedling tray with solution before transplan
As a foliar spray 2 to 3 Apply before transplant, repeat 14 days after transplanting, use the higher rate in poor conditions
Protected Edibles 7-10 days after planting or 4 true leave 2 Repeat after 14-21 days. See product technical sheet for more information.
Hardy Nursery Stock As a root drench 2 to 3 Drench at 1L of diluted mix per m2 of growing medium. Repeat after 14 day
As a foliar spray 3 3 Apply at planting, repeat at 14 day intervals up to 4 applications, or apply once after the second drench
Protected Ornamentals 7-10 days after planting or 4 true leaves 2.5 2.5 Repeat at 14-21 day intervals up to 4 applications. See product technical sheet for more information.
Establishment of Soft Fruit, Tree Fruit and Vines Bare root drench 10 Dip bare roots for 5 minutes before transplant
Drench at 1L of diluted mix per m2of growing medium
Apply during early active growth following transplant
application. Repeat up to 3 times at 14-21 days
Soil Drench 2 to 3
Foliar Spray 3
Established Soft Fruit From early flowering 2 or Apply up to 6 applications 14 days apart
3 Apply up to 4 applications 21 days apart
Established Tree Fruit See comments 3 Deciduous: Spray at 50% bloom, fruit set and 14 days later to increase fruit set and retention. Spray after set and repeat twice at 14 days to improve size Evergreen: Spray at pre-bloom, full bloom, fruit set, with a further application 14-21 days later if requires
Vineyards/Wine Grapes As a foliar spray 2 to 3 3 min Apply at 5-10 cm shoot growth to improve bunch stretching. Spray 2 weeks before flowering and repeat at 30% flowering to improve berry set, berry uniformity and yield. Apply pre-veraison and at veraison to improve fruit sugar and colour (red varieties)