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Organic Range

Greenside is an organic combination of copper and zinc formulated to optimise nutrient uptake by the plant and improve plant health and natural defence. Cleared for use on organic crops.

  • Improves Plant Health
  • Improves Tolerance Of Abiotic Stress
  • Improves Efficact Of Plant Protection Products
  • Organic Approved
  • Supplies The Plant With Key Nutrients
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is part of the organic range and contains an organic formulation of copper and zinc formulated to optimise nutrient uptake

Greenside Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Brassicas From 2-4 true leaves 1 Repeat at 1-4 week intervals if necessary
Carrots, parsnips or other root crops From 3-4 true leaves 1 Repeat after 10-14 days
Cereals End of tillering – GS30. Repeat at GS31 0.5-1 Tank mix with T0 and T1 fungicides
Legumes From 6-8 true leaves 1 Repeat at 10-14 day intervals
Potatoes From tuber initiation 0.5 Repeat at 7-10 day intervals in tank mix with blight fungicides
Other agricultural crops As required 0.5-1 Repeat as necessary
Protected Edibles From 7-10 days afterplanting 1 to 2 Repeat at 10-14 day intervals
Lettuce and Leafy Salads From 2-4 true leaves 0.5-1 Repeat at 1-2 week intervals. Do not apply alone without a wetting agent
Field Vegetables From 2-4 true leaves 1 Repeat at 10-14 day intervals if required
Soft Fruit From green bud 1 to 2 1 to 2 Repeat at 10-14 day intervals
Tree Fruit Petal Fall 2 Repeat at 10-14 day intervals
Vines As required 2 Repeat at 10-14 day intervals