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Folex N

Folex N

Foliar Nutrition Range

Folex N is a foliar liquid nutrition containing nitrogen to correct nitrogen deficiency

  • Remedies Nitrogen Deficiency
  • Greening of the crop
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Folex N

is part of the foliar nutrition range and contains nitrogen to correct nitrogen deficiency.

Folex N Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Cereals As required 60 Apply when deficiency is suspected, or when SAP analysis shows low nutrient status
Oilseed Rape As required 60 Apply when deficiency is suspected, or when SAP analysis shows low nutrient status
Feed Wheat Flag Leaf emerged 60 Two applications to boost yield
Ear Emergence 60
Milling Wheat Grain milky ripe 200 Apply to boost protein Trials indicate an average 1.1% increase in protein
Grassland After mowing or grazing 60 Apply at the onset of regrowth after the first cut or graze. Apply a further application after the second cut
Lettuce and Leafy Salads As required 25 If deficiency symptoms persist, repeat after 7-10 day
Potatoes From 2 weeks after tuber initiation 50 Apply a maximum of 4 applications during the bulking phase for baker/ware crops
Root Vegetables and Brassicas As required 60 Apply a maximum of 4 applications during the bulking phase for baker/ware crops