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Folex Mn 20

Folex Mn 20

Foliar Nutrition Range

Folex Mn 20 is a foliar liquid nutrition containing manganese nitrate to correct manganese deficiency.

  • Remedies Manganese Deficiency
  • Formulated With Nitrogen To Boost Green Leaf Area
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Folex Mn 20

is part of the foliar nutrition range and contains manganese nitrate to correct manganese deficiency.

Folex Mn 20 Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Cereals Autumn/Spring 1.25 Maintenance dressing onto actively growing foliage
Oilseed Rape Spring 2.5 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary
Legumes As soon as there is sufficient leaf area 1.25 Maintenance dressing onto actively growing foliage
2.5 When deficiency is suspected or identified
If deficiency symptoms persist, repeat 7-10 days after flowering at 1.5L/ha
Potatoes After crop meets along the rows 2.5 When deficiency is suspected or identified. If deficiency symptoms persist, repeat 7-10 days after flowering at 1.5L/ha. Repeat if necessary
Sugar Beet 4-6 true leaves 1.25 Maintenance dressing onto actively growing foliage
Vegetables As required 2.5 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary