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Folex K 39

Folex K 39

Foliar Nutrition Range

Folex K 39 is a foliar liquid nutrition containing potassium and nitrogen to supply N&K to the crop and remedy deficiency

  • Supplies Foliar N&K To The Crop
  • Remedies Nitrogen and Potassium Deficiency
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Folex K 39

is part of the foliar nutrition range and contains potassium and nitrogen to supply N&K to the crop and remedy deficiency.

Folex K 39 Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Cereals Spring 2 Apply when deficiency is suspected, or when SAP analysis shows low nutrient status. Repeat as necessary at 10-14 day intervals
Maize 2-8 leaves 2 Apply when deficiency is suspected, repeat after 10-14 days
5 Apply when deficiency is diagnosed. Repeat as necessary
Potatoes Spring 2 Apply when deficiency is suspected, or when SAP analysis shows low nutrient status. Repeat as necessary at 10-14 day intervals
Bulking 5 Generally 2-4 applications 10-14 days apart
Other Agricultural Crops As required 2 Apply when deficiency is suspected, repeat after 10-14 days
5 Apply when deficiency is diagnosed. Repeat as necessary
Lettuce and leafy salad From 4-6 true leaves 2 Apply when deficiency is suspected, repeat after 10-14 days
5 Apply when deficiency is diagnosed. Repeat as necessary
Bulbs & Outdoor Flowers During bud initiation & main flowering period 2 Apply up to 4 applications at 10-14 day intervals
Hardy Nursery Stock As required 5 3 Apply when deficiency is suspected, repeat after 10-14 days
For hardening late season 2 2 3-5 applications from late summer at 10-14 day intervals
Protected Ornamentals From bud initiation 2 2 Apply up to 4 applications at 10-14 day intervals
Soft Fruit From green bud 2 To promote fruit set and improve fruit quality
As requred 5 Apply when deficiency is suspected, repeat after 10-14 days
Tree Fruit During bud initiation & end of flowering period 5 Repeat at 10-14 day intervals during petal fall
Post Harvest 5 Apply before leaf fall to harden off before winter