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Folex Caleba

Folex Caleba

Biostimulant & Quality Improvement Range

Folex Caleba is a unique formulation containing calcium to stimulate calcium absorption into plant cells.

  • Improves Skin Finish
  • Increases Fruit Firmness
  • Remedies Calcium Deficiency
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Folex Caleba

a calcium containing foliar fertiliser to improve calcium nutrition.

Folex Caleba Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Broccoli, Cabbage,  Cauliflower,  Lettuce, Endive 4-6 applications during growing season 1 to 2 Improves stem strength and flower firmness. Helps extended storage and shelf life. Brown beard reduction shortly before head formation. Tip burn reduction
Brussel Sprouts 2-4 applications during bud formation 1 to 2 Internal browning reduction. Improves leaf firmness. Helps extend shelf life bud/head formation.
Carrots 2-4 applications during growing season 1 Begin aplication after full canopy
Celery, Chicory Weekly applications starting before blackheart symptoms arise 1
Potatoes Apply at tuber initiation and 10-14 days later 1 to 2 Internal Rust Spot reduction/improved skin finish. Use the higher rate on sensitive varieties.
Soft Fruit From flower bud to end of season 0.5-1 Apply 0.5L/ha at 7 day intervals or 1L/ha at 14 day intervals
Tree Fruit 3-4 applications from pink bud to harvest 1 to 3 Apply at 14-21 day intervals. Use to reduce cracking in cherries and plums.