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Folex B

Folex B

Foliar Nutrition Range

Folex B is a foliar liquid nutrition formulated with boron to correct boron deficiency.

  • Remedies Boron Deficiency
  • Improves Crop Health
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Folex B

is part of the foliar nutrition range and contains boron to correct boron deficiency

Folex B Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Carrots & Field Brassicas 6-8 leaves 3 Apply as a 2 spray programme where deficiency exists
2-3 weeks later 3 Apply as a 2 spray programme where deficiency exists
Oilseed Rape Autumn 3 Apply before winter dormancy where deficiency exists
Stem Elongation 3 Apply a maximum of two sprays where deficiency exists
Flower Bud 3 Apply the final dose before buds turn yellow
Sugar Beet, Fodder Beet, Red Beet Pre-emergence 5 Apply to soils containing less than 0.8mg/kg (ppm) boron
6-8 leaves 3 Where deficiency exists Folex B should be applied as a 2 spray programme, either 1 soil & 1 foliar application, or 2 foliar applications
2-3 weeks later 3 Apply the final dose before the crop meets across the rows
Protected Edibles When deficiency is diagnosed or suspected, or prior to rapid growth 2
Bulbs & Outdoor Flowers From 10cm high but before flowering 2
Protected Ornamentals When deficiency is diagnosed or suspected, or prior to rapid growth 2
Soft Fruit From start of flowerng to fruit set 2
Tree Fruit From petal fall 2