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Biomex Duster

Biomex Duster

Biostimulant & Quality Improvement Range

Biomex Duster is a a natural product, in the form of an insoluble powder, containing spores of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, a non-pathogenic micro-organism occuring naturally in the soil. It works by colonising the roots of the growing plant. The colonies secrete compounds in the vicinity of the root hairs.

  • Improved Rooting
  • Increased Plant Vigour
  • Earlier bulking in potatoes
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Biomex Duster

works by colonising the roots of the growing plant. The colonies secrete compounds in the vicinity of the root hairs.

Biomex Duster Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water Other
Potatoes – Seed Coating Immediately before or during planting 1g/kg of seed (1kg/t) Complete and even distribution on the tubers will maximise efficacy.
Potatoes – Soil Application Immediately before or during planting planting 2.5kg/ha Incorporate within the ridge to ensure placement in close proximity to the seed potato.