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Bio 18

Bio 18

Speciality Foliar Nutrition Range

Bio 18 is an 18-18-18 NPK + 3% Fe concentrated water soluble suspension containing a unique package of nutrients, biostimulants and micronutrients for the horticultural market.

  • Key Nutrients For Plant Growth
  • Supplies Iron To The Crop
  • Promotes Root Growth
  • Promotes Bud Formation
  • Alleviates Stress
  • Improves Skin Finish
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Bio 18

supplies the crop with a unique package of nutrients, biostimulants and micronutrients for the horticultural market

Bio 18 Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Bulbs & Outdoor Flowers From 2 true leaves 2 Use early to promote root growth, later applications will help to increase plant height and number of flowers
Hardy Nursery Stock From 2 true leaves 3 0.5-3 Use early to promote root growth, use lower rate on young plants and repeat after 14 days. Promotes root growth and reduces transplant shock.
Protected Ornamentals Early spring growth and autumn 2 0.5-2 Promotes root growth and improves canopy cover Use lower rate on young plants and repeat after 14 days
Protected Soft Fruit 4-8 true leaves 2 Use early to promote root growth, later applications will help to improve bud promotion.
Outdoor Soft Fruit 4-8 true leaves 3 Use early to promote root growth, later applications will help to improve bud promotion.
Tree Fruit Once new leaf is 80% open 3 Promotes growth, protects against stress, aids fruit swell and skin finish.