OMEX participates in the “NatWest MMC Mid-market corporate: The critical middle” report

The Mid-Market Corporates Report
OMEX has participated in NatWest’s Mid Market Corporate report. The report looks at mid-market firms, which employ between 100 and 2,500 people, whom over the past decade have consistently grown at a faster pace than the economy as a whole.
Paul Thwaite, Chief Executive of NatWest Group comments:
“They are brimming with the potential to drive up national prosperity, but they are too often passed over by policymakers and financial institutions. Make no mistake, though – these businesses possess transformational power.
Our research shows this group could add £35billion to the economy in the next five years and create more high-quality jobs. The ripple effect would be felt across the UK with 70 per cent of this growth occurring outside London and the South East.”
OMEX’s Participation In The Report
OMEX‘s Chairman, Max Winkler took part in the report highlighting the positives OMEX Agriculture bring to the UK economy. He also highlights the challenges facing the fertiliser industry within the UK:
“OMEX Agriculture is one of multiple operating businesses across the OMEX Group. We’ve been working with farmers for almost 50 years, delivering high quality liquid fertiliser and crop nutrition.”
“Changes to the funding of farming like the sustainable farming incentive (SFI), new fertiliser regulations and new REACH regulations are moving fast and require us to adapt and respond quickly. The farming landscape in the UK is going throug immense change at the moment.”
How Are OMEX Contributing To Growing The Economy?
OMEX Agriculture, founded in 1976 by the Winkler family, is one of multiple operating businesses across the OMEX Group. The group of companies has a mission to “sustainably feed and power a growing population” with it’s key markets being:
- Food – fertiliser and crop nutrition
- Energy – renewable energy biogas solutions
- Water – working to support clean water
At OMEX Agriculture we’ve been working with farmers for almost 50 years, delivering high quality liquid fertiliser and crop nutrition. The company has grown exponentially since it’s first manufacturing facility within Bardney, Lincoln. We’re now the UK’s leaders in liquid fertiliser specialising in three core product ranges:
- Nitroflo liquid N+S
- Multiflo liquid NPK+S
- Speciality crop nutrition and inhibitors
Our growing business now boasts:
- 11 UK sites employing across the UK
- 250+ road tankers delivering in peak season
- Storage capacity of 180,000 tonnes
- Taking in the UK’s largest shipments of UAN
- Connecting with the supply chain to deliver future sustainable food sources
As our business grows we’re proud to support farmers in growing UK food security and producing crops more sustainably. As a family business we’re committed to growing our presence within the UK and playing our part in growing the economy. Max, who comments within the NatWest MMC report, is a third generation family member at OMEX.
Learn more about our Greener Planet Commitment and how we’re supporting farmers to grow a sustainable future!
Find out more about our history and how we’ve grown to become the UK leaders in liquid fertiliser!
Our History