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Multiflo Injection Fertilisers

February 13, 2025 Published by laurae
Multiflo injection fertiliser header Category: Agriculture

Multiflo Injection Fertilisers

Boosting Crop Performance

Multiflo Injection Fertiliser

Why Inject Fertiliser?

It has long been accepted that placing fertiliser for potatoes in a narrow band below and to the side of the seed results in enhanced yields, generally in the region of 12-25%, depending on season and whether the crop is irrigated. Un-irrigated crops benefit particularly from fertiliser injection.

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The Benefits of Injection Fertiliser with the Multiflo Range

Injection fertiliser offers a range of benefits to farmers including:

  • Instant Uptake
  • Improved Rooting
  • Liquid Nutrition
  • On-Farm Storage
  • Range of Grades
  • FACTS Advice
  • Right Product
  • Right Place
  • Right Time

Injection v Broadcast Fertiliser

How To Inject Fertiliser

Fertiliser can be successfully injected using the Multiflo system, a high quality range of liquid starter fertilisers.
Multiflo is injected precisely where the growing roots need it unlike broadcasting fertiliser. Specialist equipment is used to carefully place the liquid fertiliser, providing high quality liquid nutrition that is instantly available to the growing crop.

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What is Multiflo?

The Multiflo NPK liquid fertiliser range has been technically engineered to offer farmers the most efficient and effective range of NPK plus sulphur compound fertiliser.

Within this Precision Fertilisers range, there are a variety of grades to suit your farming operation including NPK, NP and NK liquid fertilisers, which are all available with sulphur to boost efficiency.

Multiflo placement injection fertiliser

The Multiflo Range

Find out more about the benefits of liquid starter fertilisers here.

More On Multiflo
Multiflo placement injection fertiliser

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Multiflo Trials

Why Liquid Injection?

Potato roots only occupy about a third of the ridge and it can therefore be wasteful to fertilise the whole ridge, particularly with phosphate. Spinning granular fertiliser on to the surface can be inefficient with some of the nutrients remaining on the surface, unused.
Placing solid fertiliser is sometimes difficult, particularly blended fertiliser, which can segregate and travel unevenly through the supply pipes. Blockages can also occur, particularly during the damp conditions often experienced in the spring.

The OMEX Multiflo range offers simple, un-interrupted accurate injection of key macro nutrients close to the seed. The fertiliser then maintains a steady growth throughout the season, without the surges that can lead to secondary growth and cracks.
For best results, most of the crop phosphate should be placed, along with around 1/3 of the nitrogen requirement, this can be achieved with a Multiflo injection fertiliser NP grade such a 7-20-0.

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Producing Quality Potato Crops

Take a look at one of our customers potato crops, grown utilising the OMEX Multiflo Injection Fertiliser range!

Multiflo NPK Fertiliser NPK liquid fertiliser
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