Choosing the right grassland fertiliser, can be a tough decision. There are many factors to consider including accuracy, efficiency and yield response. As dairy and arable farmers look to become more sustainable, and reduce carbon footprint, maximising efficiency from product applied will be key.
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Results post-grassland fertiliser application:
To summarise, on plot 1, OMEX Nitroflo Liquid Fertiliser outperformed the granular alternative, demonstrating liquid fertiliser was the most efficient grassland fertiliser choice.
Results post-grassland fertiliser application:
To find out more about making the right fertiliser choice, speak to your local liquid fertiliser expert, here.
Grassland Fertiliser Efficiency Trials
In this independent trial, comparisons were made between granular and liquid fertiliser, specifically looking at how using liquid fertiliser results in less nitrogen being required to produce a similar growth pattern compared to using higher rates of granular fertiliser. In this trial 26% less liquid nitrogen fertiliser was applied in comparison to granular nitrogen fertiliser. 25kg/ha N from OMEX Nitroflo was applied v 33.25 kg/ha of granular product.Plot 1 - On dairy grazing platform, in recently reseeded paddocks:
Area 1 - received 33.25 kg/ha of N from granular fertiliser Area 2 - received 25kg/ha of N from OMEX Nitroflo Measurements prior to grassland fertiliser application: Area 1 - 864 kg/ha Area 2 - 744 kg/ha- The OMEX Nitroflo liquid fertiliser treated area grew more kg of dry matter per day over the 22 day period
- The OMEX Nitrfoflo liquid fertiliser treated plot grew 2% more grass than the granular treater area, despite using 26% less nitrogen
- Using OMEX Nitroflo liquid fertiliser grew 38% more DM/kg N than the granular treated area
Plot 2 - On heifer rearing block, an old permanent pasture
Area A - received 33.25 kg/ha N from granular fertiliser Area B - received 25kg/ha N from OMEX Nitroflo Measurements prior to grassland fertiliser application: Area A - 250 kg/ha Area B - 250 kg/ha- The OMEX Nitroflo liquid fertiliser treated area grew more kg of dry matter per day over the 22 day period
- The OMEX Nitroflo liquid fertiliser treated plot grew 79% more grass than the granular treated area, despite using 26% less nitrogen
- Using OMEX Nitroflo liquid fertiliser grew 131% more DM/kg N than the granular treated area