Crop Nutrition and Plant Health – Agronomist Update
March 25, 2021
Published by laurae
Category: Agriculture
Crop Nutrition and Plant Health Update by Agronomist, Scott Baker
Now Spring has (officially) sprung, attention is turning to how your crops are coping. Deficiencies in crop nutrition, can lead to an unhealthy plant, not able to withstand stress. We take a look at how nutrient levels affect plant health, how to accurately monitor them, and what to do to prevent and remedy poor nutrition in the crop.
Why does Crop Nutrition impact plant health
Crop Nutrition plays a vital role in modern agriculture. Ensuring nutrients are at optimum levels means the plant is receiving the nutrition it needs to, healthily, grow. Nutrients are essentially the building blocks, on how the plant thrives, with any lacking the plant is unable to flourish. Sub-optimal nutrition levels also leave the plant vulnerable and more susceptible to disease attack.
How to monitor Crop Nutrition
Monitoring crop nutrition doesn't need to be a time consuming task. Using a plant analysis tool, such as
SAP Analysis, helps keep you ahead of the game, identifying any nutrient deficiencies in the crop. The 5 step process helps you understand what nutrition is readily available to the plant. The information is supplied in an easy to read bar chart, interpreted by expert Crop Nutrition Agronomists, with annotations for you best next steps. Find out more,
How to improve nutrient levels
Once you've established what nutrients your plant has plenty of, and what it may be lacking in, you can employ a
foliar fertiliser plan to boost the plants nutrition, and in turn, health. OMEX foliar fertilisers give your crops the nutrition they need just when they need it.
Most of the OMEX range of foliar fertilisers are 100% water soluble, making them easy to apply and are often tank mixed with ag-chem applications.
Find out which foliar fertilisers suit the crops you're growing,