The dry weather is giving UK growers a number of headaches, could the use of liquid nitrogen provide some relief for nitrogen-starved crops? OMEX takes a look at the key reasons why you should #GoLiquid
Fast Acting
Liquid fertilisers are fast acting, meaning the crop is immediately able to absorb the nutrients it needs
Uniform Application
Uniform application, applied evenly and accurately, across the crop right up to the field edge
Total Crop Nutrition
OMEX offer a full range of liquid fertilisers including Suspension, Solution and Foliar to ensure the crop receives exactly what it needs
One Pass Application
Using Didin means you can apply the full seasons nitrogen in one simple pass!
Improved Crop Response
Improved crop response with Liquid Fertilisers. The plant is able to uptake the nutrients within Liquid Fertilisers straight away.
Complete Support
Complete technical and agronomical support from OMEX's dedicated team.
Improved Accuracy
Liquid Fertilisers allow for accurate application right up to field margins.