This article by OMEX’s crop nutrition agronomist, Tom Dart, focuses on OMEX’s research into the utilisation of sulphur to improve the efficacy of fungicide programmes in wheat.
Septoria is a serious foliar disease within UK winter wheat with the AHDB reporting is as the most damaging disease for the crop. It reduces green leaf area which impacts photosynthesis and causes significant yield loss, also affecting grain quality.
Sulphur – The Concept
Having identified the pressures facing growers of winter wheat OMEX sponsored trials conducted by Prime Crop Research led by Dr. Tomás McCabe of UCD investigating the potential for Sulphomex, a sulphur based foliar fertiliser, treatments to improve the efficacy of Septoria control programmes in winter wheat following reports of positive results from Sulphur use in France.
The trial was comprised of Randomised Complete Block Design plot trials, conducted at 2 sites in East Anglia in each of the last 4 seasons using a range of treatments and timings.
The theory being that crop nutrition used in conjunction with plant protection products can give growers return on investment when trying to combat disease.
Sulphomex Trials
In 2020-2021 the trials were conducted in the varieties RGT Wolverine and KWS Firefly . Both varieties have a Septoria tritici resistance rating of 5.7 in the 2022-23 AHDB Recommended List.
KWS Firefly - Sulphur as part of a fungicide strategy
RGT Wolverine - Sulphur as part of a fungicide strategy
The findings showed that Sulphomex used used 2 or 3 times in an integrated management programme with fungicides has the potential to give improved disease control, green leaf area and yield over systemic/single site fungicide programmes alone.
What is Sulphomex
Sulphomex is an inorganic liquid formulation containing nitrogen and sulphur, widely used to prevent sulphur deficiency. In winter wheat it’s been successfully demonstrated as a crop nutrition aid to prevent septoria and improve crop health.
Talking To A Crop Nutrition Agronomist about Sulphur for Septoria Control
OMEX employ a dedicated team of FACTS and BASIS qualified crop nutrition agronomist, advising growers on the most beneficial nutritional inputs to compliment traditional practices. You can speak to the team at Omex Agriculture about your requirements today.
Utilising Sulphur as part of a fungicide strategy
March 14, 2024
Published by laurae