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Biostimulant & Quality Improvement Range

O-Phyte is a biostimulant based on phosphite. It stimulates plant gowth and improves the uptake and systemic movement of nutrient cations within the plant.

  • Improves Root Growth
  • Stimulates Plant Growth
  • Aids Crop Establishment
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stimulates plant gowth and improves the uptake and systemic movement of nutrient cations within the plant.

O-Phyte Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Modules and Seeling Trayes As a foliar spray 1 to 2 Apply before transplant repeat 14 days later, use the higher rate in poor conditions
Brassicas, Lettuce and Leafy Salads From 2-4 true leaves 1 To stimulate roots and improve establishment
Larger than 6-8 true leaves 2 to 4 Repeat after 10-14 days if conditions persist
Hardy Nursery Stock From 4 true leaves 2 to 4 2 to 4 Repeat at 10-14 day intervals if required
Protected Ornamentals From 2-4 true leaves 2 2 Use to promote root development if growing conditions are poor
Soft Fruit Green bud to end of season 2 Use to promote root development if growing conditions are poor
Fertigation, drip tape and trickle As required 4 to 6 O-Phyte should be added to feed stock solutions at 25 ml/L (2.5 L/100 L of stock solution)