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sustainable liquid fertiliser with OMEX

Grassland Trials

Offering You High Quality Grassland Fertiliser

Tried and Tested Liquid Fertiliser For Grassland

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Grassland Trials using OMEX Fertiliser

Take a look at some of our Grassland Trials.

OMEX provides liquid fertiliser for grassland, alongside a variety of crop nutrition and technical services to ensure optimal growth, quality and grassland yield.

Contact our team for expert advise bespoke to your farming needs.

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The Benefits of Grassland Liquid Nitrogen Fertiliser

Nitroflo liquid fertilisers for grassland include some of the most concentrated products available in the UK and Ireland. They are delivered for farmer or contractor application and offer many advantages over conventional solid fertiliser application in terms of accuracy, consistency and ease of use.

By using OMEX Nitroflo or Multiflo liquid grassland fertilisers, farmers save time, protect the environment, and maximise crop yields. All OMEX liquid fertilisers are supplied in bulk, eliminating packaging and the need to recycle waste, and provide major handling and storage advantages over solid fertilisers.

  • Post cut or grazing, grass will respond to Nitroflo grassland fertiliser more quickly than granular fertiliser
  • Daily gain in dry matter is larger when using Nitroflo
  • Even in drought conditions new growth following uptake of Nitroflo grassland fertiliser can be seen within 36 hours
  • All the benefits of accurate application still apply in grass
  • Nitroflo S contains sulphur in a form that is immediately plant available
  • Accurate application up to field margins
  • Three sources of nitrogen – ammonium, nitrate and urea – so the best balance between availability to crop when needed and reduced risk of loss through leaching
  • Effective across a full range of crops, including grass & forage crops
  • No off-loading costs as Nitroflo grassland fertiliser is pumped directly into holding tanks on-farm
  • Effective across a full range of crops, including grass & forage crops
  • No off-loading costs as Nitroflo is pumped directly into holding tanks on-farm
  • No bag disposal
  • Faster response to application on silage ground after first cut, especially in dry conditions
  • Improved application accuracy. Tests show that application by granular spreader often vary by 20% across the spread width. Farm sprayers are unlikely to vary by more than 5%
  • Better utilisation of time and labour – Nitroflo can be applied in less favourable conditions, when applying solid fertilisers or crop spraying would not be possible
  • Higher work rates. It takes just a couple of minutes for one person to load the sprayer with Nitroflo
  • An opportunity to upgrade sprayer and increase tramline widths, increasing the cropped area, work rates and accuracy of topdressing

Liquid Nitrogen on Grassland Trials

Nitroflo v SulfaCAN

The below liquid nitrogen grassland fertiliser versus SulfaCAN trial was conducted in South Tipperary in June 2020. The trial was conducted on two paddocks of Perennial Ryegrass, both reseeded on the same day.

 The results showed after 14 days 53% more grass with less units of nitrogen when Nitroflo was used.


Learn more about Nitroflo!

Nitroflo v Protected Urea Grassland Trials

This liquid nitrogen grassland fertiliser versus protected urea trial was conducted in North Tipperary in July 2020. The trial was conducted on two side by side paddocks of Perennial Ryegrass

The results showed after 14 days 65% more grass with the same units of nitrogen when Nitroflo was used.


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The Benefit of Liquid NPKS Fertilisers for Grassland

This grassland trial assessed a Multiflo NPKS grade in comparison to a granular alternative. The liquid nutrition within Multiflo showed a clear increase in Fresh grass yield.

Multiflo liquid NPKS fertilisers offer a number of benefits to grassland farmers:

  • Greater accuracy of fertiliser to the crop
  • Delivery of product when needed
  • OMEX tank system supplies potato farmers with dedicated on-farm storage
  • 100% soluble, high quality, P source
  • Targeted application
  • Sustainable fertiliser choice – application right up to the field margin and not beyond

Multiflo works as a precision farming tool for grassland farmers. Precision Farming Many of the UK’s most innovative precision farmers use liquid fertilisers due to the ease of controlling the application rates and the ability to automatically regulate individual boom sections.

Including Polymex with your Multiflo phosphorus containing grade can improve the availability of phosphorus to the grassland crop.

Grassland Trials

Co. Wicklow – May to July 2020
Type of Fertiliser Granular Fert (24-2.5-10) OMEX Nitroflo 26N+2S
Field name Tuttys Mileys
Application date 18/05/2020 22/05/2020
Rate N applied 65 units/ac 60 units/ac
Growth Kg DM/ha/Day Growth Kg DM/ha/Day Growth Kg DM/ha/Day Conditions
Kg DM/ha day Week 1 18.76 37.45 Drought
Kg DM/ha day Week 2 53.36 44.16 Heavy rain
Kg DM/ha day Week 3 53.88 67.02 Rain
Average Growth Kg DM/ha day 42.00 49.54 + 18%
Total Growth Kg DM/ha (21 days) 882.00 1,040.41 + 58 Kg
Kg DM/ha day Week 4 112.00 93.00
Kg DM/ha day Week 5 98.42 96.85
Kg DM/ha day Week 6 75.00 74.00
Average Growth Kg DM/ha day 68.60 68.70
Total Growth Kg DM/ha (42 days) 2879.94 2887.36
Note: Both fields received slurry at  2500g/ac


  • Twice the growth from Nitroflo in week 1 during dry conditions
  • After three weeks, 18% more growth with Nitroflo
  • After six weeks same kg DM/ha from 8% less N using Nitroflo

I used Nitroflo 26S for the first time this year.

I liked the accuracy across the field and no overlapping the ins and outs with auto-shutoff. I noticed far less secondary growth in my spring malting barley compared with what I saw in crops that had solid. I put this down to the more rapid uptake in dry conditions. We also saw fast regrowth on 2nd cut silage. The tank installation guys were very efficient and professional. The fact that the liquid is stored in its own tank is fantastic as it doesn’t take up shed space during the season.

Paul Mernagh, Coolamurry Farms Ltd. Co. Wexford. Farmer.

Liquid Nitrogen Fertiliser Nitroflo Quote
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